
Prison SMART is an internationally renowned rehabilitation program that effectively transforms the mindsets, attitudes and behavior of offenders, thus aiming to break the cycle of violence in our societies at the root and reducing reoffending.

In Prison

  • Contribute to a safe, efficient and humane detention climate for both prisoners and personnel.
  • Foster a positive detention climate characterised by:
    • decreased aggression and violence
    • less tensions and conflicts
    • better mutual understanding among prisoners
    • better and more respectful relations between prisoners and prison staff

For Prisoners & Ex-prisoners

Support genuine rehabilitation by effectively transforming crucial psychosocial factors contributing to recidivism while reducing / preventing harm due to incarceration:

  • increased mastery of negative and overwhelming emotions
  • reduced violence and aggression
  • improved physical and mental health
  • better relationships
  • reduced substance abuse
  • more positive outlook
  • better coping strategies
  • improved stress resilience and management
  • increased sense of ownership, self-confidence and responsibility
  • general improved sense of wellbeing

For Prison Staff

Stress Management and Professional Excellence for prison staff in order to :

  • function efficiently in stressful circumstances
  • experience more job satisfaction
  • improve physical well-being (such as better sleep, less fear, less depression, better immunity, normalised blood pressure) and decrease absence rates
  • obtain more energy and focus

For Survivors / Victims

Healing, Trauma-Relief and Empowerment Training in order to:
  • Prevent serious psychosomatic symptoms and depression
  • Heal / Reduce deep rooted stresses and traumas
  • Overcome fear, recover sense of agency
  • Provide deep rest and energy to live life with hope and contentment
  • Support initiatives for restorative justice